
Most Popular Questions

We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

Who can become a member of Coterie Builders?

Community Builders - people that own communities

Community Leaders - people who lead in communities

Community Manager - people that manage communities

Community-Led Company - Companies building Communities around their brand

How long does it take for my membership to be approved?

1 to 2 working days

Is there a payment to be made to join Coterie Builders?

No, membership is FREE. However, we have paid services we encourage you to take advantage of.

I don't own, run or manage a Community, can I still join?

We also take people who want to start their Communities or a journey in Community Management.

What platforms is Coterie Builders Community on?

Email for now, WhatsApp later.

We will also have physical meetups and an online forum to follow after.

Join the Coterie Builders community today and take your community to the next level!